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About the Initiative

The Business Halacha Awareness Initiative is a joint project between the North Miami Beach Kollel and the Law Offices of Stok, Kon, and Braverman. 


This critical initiative was inspired by Mr. Josh Kon, a partner of the firm, as lawyers he felt it is their moral responsibility to provide not only the highest level of legal advice but to ensure that the community is following Halachic protocol in these areas as well.


In collaboration with the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer, Mr. Kon and his partner Mr. Bob Stok, set about creating an initiative to bring awareness to Business Halacha in general and the supreme importance of settling disputes in Bais Din as opposed to civil court.


With this vision in mind they launched the Business Halacha Awareness Initiative in September 2022 with a successful two-day Halacha seminar featuring guest Dayanim, Jewish judges, from Lakewood, NJ, and Rabbi Eli Mansour of Brooklyn, NY. 


The seminar was packed with people excited to deepen their knowledge of this vital area of Halacha that can sometimes  be overlooked.


The response was incredibly positive and it was clear that much more needed to be done.


That pivotal seminar followed with many more programs, bringing in Rabbis and Dayanim from the tri-state area who are leaders in their fields to deliver more classes and symposiums throughout South Florida.


Together with Stok, Kon, and Braverman, the North Miami Beach Kollel launched a daily chaburah (study group) of local Rabbis in the community to study the laws of Choshen Mishpat, Monetary and Business Halacha. 


Stok, Kon, and Braverman took upon themselves to host a class on a wide array of practical business halacha topics each month. 


In addition, Rabbi Blejer teaches a Business Halacha class in the Kollel every Sunday morning. The shiurim are part of a series that focuses on practical business Halachos that people face on a regular basis.


We want to express immense gratitude to The Law Offices of Stok, Kon, and Braverman for partnering with the Kollel in this project!


Among their many talented attorneys in all fields of law, Stok, Kon, and Braverman employs several Torah-observant attorneys ready to assist their clients in all transactions according to Jewish law. 


The Kollel is honored to partner with them in this trailblazing initiative that unites leaders in the fields of Jewish Business Halacha and leaders in secular law who are committed to serve the Jewish community according to its religious principles.

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